THE SUNSHINE TOUR CHAMPIONSHIPS offers unaffiliated and amateur competitors the chance to qualify to compete at the UK’s most famous showground – The All-England Jumping Course at Hickstead. The prestigious 4-day championship show features dressage, show jumping, showing and eventers challenge championship classes, from 12th to 15th September 2024. 

Your Journey to Hickstead Starts Here …………

Step 1: REGISTER your horse/pony. Restrictions apply for eligibility to compete, check the competitor restrictions 2024

Step 2: QUALIFY by taking part in a qualifier class at a registered centre or club and achieving 1st- 3rd in Dressage or Show Jumping, 1st – 4th in Showing or Eventers Challenge. Qualifying competitions are held between 1st January and 31st July 2024 (1st Nov 2023 – 31st Dec 2023 for Eventers Challenge, at ANY venue).

  • Qualifier classes HERE
  • Registered Centres & Clubs HERE

Step 3: RECORD your result within ONE MONTH of competition (by 31st Jan for Early Eventers competitions and by 3rd Aug for July competitions) and submit evidence of your result (further guidance here).

  • Record Results for Early Eventers Challenge competitions held 1st November to 31st December HERE
  • Record Results for Competitions held 1st January to 31st July HERE

Step 4: ENTER – available early August; T&Cs apply.


  • Qualification is free – after recording your result, The Sunshine Tour will verify your placing and issue a unique qualification number.
  • Each successfully recorded result allows you to enter in one championship class (same horse/competitor combination, discipline and level). Each horse/competitor combination can qualify up to 6 times in show jumping and dressage, up to 3 times in eventers challenge, and without limits in showing (limitations to the range of classes may apply).
  • Paid for entry is necessary to take part in the championship show, entries open in early August (date to be confirmed).
  • Qualification does not guarantee availability of entry in championship classes, entries are taken in order of receipt and some classes can fill very quickly.
  • Class Criteria – rules used to judge qualifying classes (e.g. format/rules of class, restrictions on age of rider, height/colour/breed of horse, etc.) might not exactly match the championship class.


  • Qualification can only be gained in a qualifier class at a registered centre or club, within the qualification period 1st Jan-31July for dressage, show jumping & showing, 1st Nov-31st Dec for eventers challenge qualification, (eventers challenge 1st Nov to 31st Dec 2023 can be at any show, thereafter only at registered centre/club). If you cannot find a registered centre or club near you, you can apply for an Open Qualifier.
  • Results, with evidence of results must be recorded within one month of competition (by 3rd August for July competitions).
  • Restrictions on amateur status, previous experience and competitive success apply for both horse/pony and rider/handler. Competitors must comply with competitor restrictions at the time of qualification and at the time of championships.
  • Qualification is awarded to horse / competitor combination, no substitutes are permitted.


Any questions: Email